Pre-Reading List

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Below, you’ll find a list of readings and resources to spark your thinking before the The Deep Dive. Of course, it’s not compulsory to check these out, but they may inspire some questions you’d like to ask at The Deep Dive.

If you’re unfamiliar with Dave Snowden’s Cynefin or Simon Wardley’s approach to mapping, or if you’d just like to refresh your memory, you may find the links below handy:

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  • Dave joins our AgileTODAY blog to talk Cynefin and topics he’ll exploring at The Deep Dive. View the post here »
  • Dave introduces the nature of systems and complexity through his Children’s Party Story video.

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  • Simon speaks on our AgileTODAY blog about Wardley Mapping and strategy. Read our full conversation here »
  • Simon also provides a handy introduction to Wardley Mapping in this CIO article.

[/cs_text][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][/cs_element_section][cs_element_section _id=”19″ ][cs_element_row _id=”20″ ][cs_element_column _id=”21″ ][x_custom_headline level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″ accent=”false”]Other relevant readings we’ve been enjoying lately[/x_custom_headline][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][cs_element_row _id=”23″ ][cs_element_column _id=”24″ ][cs_text style=”font-size:16px;”]

  • The Captain Class by Sam Walker prompts us to reconsider leadership and performance by viewing it through the lens of sport. (this book comes highly recommended by The Deep Dive contributor Ed McManus!)
  • Explore the way humans construct knowledge in Unflattening: a graphic novel by Nick Sousanis.
  • The Playful Entrepreneur by Mark Dodgson and David M. Gann highlights the importance of maintaining a playful attitude as we lead and construct strategy.
  • The article “Today’s Businesses Don’t Win on Strategy. They Win on Trust” provides an interesting take on the growing importance of trust in strategy.

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Plus, to catch up on the latest in Agile thought, check out the latest PDF edition of AgileTODAY magazine. Our next edition will be hitting mailboxes soon after The Deep Dive: subscribe to ensure you don’t miss out.

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